Japan Group Tour-June 2025, Sunday, 08-06-2025 09:00 AM, Venue : Japan, Faculty : English Speaking Guide, Fees : 0, CPE Hours : 0   Badminton practice sessions- Adult registrations, Saturday, 01-03-2025 3 PM EST, Venue : Batts Athletic, 134 Kennedy Rd S, Brampton, ON L6W 3G4, (905) 670-2016, Faculty : Nil, Fees : $ 125 PER PLAYER Adult (18+) for ~5 months/20 weeks starting February 1 2025, CPE Hours : Nil   Badminton practice sessions- Youth registration, Saturday, 01-03-2025 3 PM EST, Venue : Batts Athletic, 134 Kennedy Rd S, Brampton, ON L6W 3G4, (905) 670-2016, Faculty : Nil, Fees : $60 for youth (12-18 yrs) for ~5 months/20 weeks starting Feb 1 2025, CPE Hours : Nil   Badminton practice sessions- Kids registration, Saturday, 01-03-2025 3 PM EST, Venue : Batts Athletic, 134 Kennedy Rd S, Brampton, ON L6W 3G4, (905) 670-2016, Faculty : Nil, Fees : $35 for kids (5-12yrs) for ~5 months/20 weeks starting Feb 1 2025, CPE Hours : Nil  

New Member Registration

All New Members should fill this form

Eligibility for Membership:
- Any individual who is either an "Associate" or "Fellow" member of ICAI.
- Any member who is a resident in the Greater Toronto Area can apply for membership and they are termed in "good standing" with the Chapter after the appropriate fees in force are paid for the year and that there is no outstanding disciplinary action against them by either ICAI or any ICAI Chapters.
- Members of ICAI who are resident outside of the Greater Toronto area, but are resident of Canada and who do not have a local Chapter of the ICAI, may also join by paying the annual fee and participate in the activities of the Toronto Chapter.

All new members who want to enroll with the Toronto Chapter of ICAI should fill this form.
a. After submission of the form, you will receive a login id and password to login to the Toronto Chapter of ICAI website.
b. All fields marked with * are mandatory
c. The new member will only be able to login to the Toronto Chapter of ICAI website once he has paid the membership fees.
d. For any clarifications, please email info@icaitoronto.com
e. The Chapter's fiscal year and membership year runs from April to March and the membership needs to be renewed as soon as the membership year ends irrespective of when the membership fee is paid.
Residential Address Office Address
 I agree to abide by the Constitution of the Toronto Chapter of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India