Title: Toastmasters Event - Open to All - April 24 @ 5:00 PM - EDT
Topic: Toastmasters Event - Open to All
Date & Day: April 24, 2022 to April 24, 2022
Event Start Time: 05:00 PM EDT
Event End Time: 06:00 PM EDT
Venue: Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95983655157?pwd=Um92MG1iTzZZbU5xaWZSQjV6elh2dz09
Faculty: TCCA Speakers
CPE Hours: Nil
Registration Fees: Nil
Registration Date: April 04, 2022 To April 25, 2022
As part of the Toastmasters series, we invite you to the April 24 th session. The theme for this session is: Easter Adventure.
Please note that this event is open to all. Feel free to bring your families and friends to the session.
Registration for this event is closed now.